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Truck Car Park

What you need to get started?

We aim to make the registration process as seamless as possible. Below is a detailed list of the information needed to begin utilizing Faith Logistics Dispatching Group, LLC as your dispatching service. Any forms that need to be provided by Faith Logistics Dispatching Group, LLC are linked below.

Active Authority


Active Authority

This information needs to be provided by the carrier.


Proof of Insurance

(1,000,000 in auto-liability and

100,000 in cargo coverage)

This information needs to be provided by the carrier.

Proof of Insurance
A signed W-9


A signed W-9

Form W-9 allows is to verify your TIN with the IRS


New Vendor Packet

The new vendor packet includes the Dispatcher Agreement, Carrier Preference, and Credit card Authorization forms. All forms must be dated and signed.

New Vendor Packet ( Dispatcher / Carrier Agreement forms )
Notice of Agreement ( Factoring company Information )


Notice of Agreement

Factoring company Information

This information needs to be provided by the carrier.

If you are in need of factoring services you can sign up with Faith Logistics Dispatching Group, LLC

Gradient Background

Carrier Application

Upload Dispatcher Agreement
Upload Carrier Preference
Upload Credit Card Authorization
Upload Signed W-9

Thanks for submitting your carrier application! Someone will reach out to you in 1-2 business days.

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